
Hello! Let me introduce myself: I love life, traveling, new experiences and strive for freedom. Maybe because my Moroccan Amazigh roots, Amazigh means “free people”.

This website will guide you through some of my explorations in life. About the experiences made on my career path, and the expertise I’ve picked up along the way. Combined I think my areas off expertise are: human experience design.

I use my skills to: connect, organize, adjust and structure business, communication and information processes to their users desires. Bring people together in real life and/or online!
If a company should ever arise, I’ll call it N-Arrange!

Also I’ll share my travel experiences. I’m lucky to travel to the beautiful places on this planet a few times a year.

Welcome to my life!
Let me know if you need me!!
x N.

Live Love, Love Life! Live free and connect!!!